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V Comb Anti Lice machine
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- First of all; you have to check all the contents of the box you’ve received.
- Now take open one pack of the disposable filter and first take out the main body of the V-comb, then connect the main body with the LED illuminated filter unit. Now, connect the combing head to complete the unit.
- Try to attach the filter to V-Comb combing head, until you hear the clicking sound.
- In the final step, carefully attach the combing head by making sure to not to crush or damage the filter.
- Please note that the one pack of the disposable filter also contains the closing lid. You have to keep the lid on the safer place for later use.
- In the next step, you have to plug in the V-Comb adapter to an electrical power source. Before plugging in the adapter, please ensure that the electric rating of the power source matches the rating mentioned on the power adapter of V-Comb.
- In order to avoid any electrical hazard or shock, please try to use the complete safety equipments during plugging in the adapter in the power source.
- Now your V-comb unit is ready to use. Please read the below mentioned details for using it accurately.
- In the very first step, you have to change the angle of the combing by holding and pushing down both the knobs on the sides of the combing unit. After that, you have to adjust teeth angle. Now, release both the side knobs to secure the combing unit in one place. You can adjust the combing head in two different positions as straight position and racking position. Please use the one position that suits best you.
- Please try to ensure that hair should be well-cleaned, conditioned and dry. As this unit works best in dry hair, so dry hair is necessary. It is generally advisable to thoroughly brush the hair in order to remove any type of knots or entanglements.
- In the next step, you have to make different sections of the hair by using the hair clips. Try to use the V-comb on one section thoroughly at one time.
- In the next step, you have to switch on the unit to start the hair treatment.
- In order to get the best results, it is recommended to always start first from the nape of the neckline and then you can work your up on the rest of the hair.
- Please try to hold the V-comb unit right way up all the time during treatment.
- During treatment, focus on each small section and try to comb through all sections of the hair right from the root to tip ensuring using the unit as close as possible to the scalp.
- Try to comb each section of hair in different directions as left, right, top and bottom. Now repeat this cycle through each section several times in each section of the hair.
- Now repeat this procedure to the next section and so on.
- The LED light of the filter unit will help you to determine the trapped lice and its eggs during the treatment.
- You can use the V-comb head as long as you desire. But, don’t stretch the wire too much otherwise the adapter can be pulled out from the electrical source.
- When you’ve finished, remove the filter and close the filter with the lid provided in the filter pack and disposed the filter to a safer place.
- Please don’t use the used filter again as it is not recommended. Try to remove the used filter as soon as possible before and after the use of the V-comb. You can also get the replacement filters, if required.
- Now, you have to manually clean the combing brush of the unit with the help of the brush provided with the package. The brush is very handy to clean all the remnants of head lice and its eggs that may be trapped between the teeth of the comb. You can also use any quality anti-septic solution such as dettol. Please do not forget to wipe the teeth of the comb using the anti-septic solution.
- You have successfully operated the V-comb.
- High quality Anti-lice machine that eliminated head lice and its eggs
- Chemical free treatment
- Disposable head lice filter
- Modern and ergonomic device
- A revolutionary device that uses the vacuum to remove the head lice
- Smart, compact and sleek design
- Highest quality stainless steel combing unit with adjustable angles
- Filter unit is illuminated by beautiful LED
- As easy as combing
- No use of any pesticides
- Easy to use
- Comes with 3 disposable filters
- Smooth and gentle treatment
- Runs on AC power source
- Equally suitable for men, women and children
- Product Description: Vacuum powered head lice machine
- Power Adapter Input Rating: 240V Volts, 50 Hertz
- Power Adapter Output Rating: 24 V, DC 1 ampere
- Suitable operating Temperature: 5˚C - 40˚C
- Suitable Storage Temperature: -25˚C - 70˚C
- Net Weight: 0.35 Kilograms
- 1 x Combing Head
- 1 x Main Body
- 1 x Filter Unit
- 1 x Power Adapter
- 3 x Disposable Capture Filters
- 1 x Instruction Manual
V-comb electronic anti-lice machine is the best machine available in the market to get rid the problem associated with the lice and their eggs. This product is very easy to operate and use. The overall technique of the V-comb is quite simple and easy. Now you do not need to purchase heavy combs to get rid of lice.
Lice’s are a type of a parasite and they feed on the blood that they usually found on the scalp. Usually, the color of lice is tan and they are about the size of about the sesame seed. A lot of people have been going around the problem of lice on their scalp for ages. Such individuals often find it difficult to completely get rid of this problem. Not only adults, but children are also very much affected with this type of problem.
جوئیں دراصل خون چوسنے والی پیراسائٹس ہیں اور یہ عام طور پر سر کی جلد میں نشونما پاتی ہیں۔ اں جوؤں کی وجہ سے سر کی جلد میں شدید خارش ہوتی ہے۔ ویسے تو ہر عمر کے افراد اس مسئلے کا شکار ہیں لیکن یہ مسئلہ سکول جانے والے بچوں اور خواتین میں کہیں زیادہ ہے۔ اس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ بچے سکول میں ایک ساتھ اٹھتے، بیٹھتے بور کھیلتے ہیں اور بچوں کی اس سرگرمی کے دوران جوئیں با آسانی ایک سر سے دوسرے سر میں منتقل ہو جاتی ہیں۔
خواتین اور مرد حضرات میں یہ مسئلہ استعمال شدہ کنگھی کے استعمال سے بھی ہو سکتا ہے۔ عام طور پر جوؤئیں انسانی سر پر ایک مہینے تک زندہ رہ سکتی ہیں لیکن اگر انھیں انسانی جسم سے الگ کر دیا جاۓ تو یہ بمشکل دو دن ہی زندہ رو پاتی ہیں۔ اگر آپ بھی اس مسئلے کی شکار ہیں تو آپ کو بالکل گھبرانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے کیونکہ اب ٹیلی برانڈز لایا ایسی منفرد پواڈکٹ جو نہ آپ نے پہلے نہ کبھی دیکھی ہو گی اور نہ اس کے بارے میں کبھی سنا ہو گا۔ اس منفرد اور میعاری پراڈکٹ کا نام ہے وی-کومب۔
استعمال کرنے کی طریقہ:
ٹیلی برانڈز وی-کومب کو چلانا نہائیت آسان ہے۔ یاد رہے کہ یہ پراڈکٹ خشک حالت میں بہتر کام کرتا ہے۔ اس لیے اپنے بال مکمل طور پر خشک اور صاف کر لیں۔ اس کے بعد آپ اپنے بالوں میں کنگھی کر لیں تاکہ آپ کے بال مکمل طور پر سلجھ جائیں۔ اب اپنے بالوں کو مختلف حصوں میں ہئیر پن کا مدد سے تقسیم کر لیجیے۔ اس کے بعد آپ کو وی-کومب کی کومبنگ اٹیچمنٹ کو متعلقہ پوزیشن پر ایڈجسٹ کرنا ہے۔ پوزیشن ایڈجسٹ کونے کے بعد آپ کو اس کی ناب پر سے اپنا ہاتھ ہٹانا ہے تاکہ کومبنگ ہیڈ کی پوزیشن اپنی جگہ پر فکس ہو جاۓ۔ اب آپ کا وی-کومب استعمال ہونے کے لۓ تیار ہے۔
وی-کومب کو سب سے پہلے سر کے نیچلے حصے پر استعمال کیجیے یعنی گردن کے نیچے والے حصے پر آپ کو اسے سر پہ استعمال کرنا ہے۔ یاد رہے کہ اس مشین کو اّپ نے سر کے اوپر والے حصے پر سب سے بعد میں استعمال کرنا ہے۔ ایک وقت میں سر کے صرف ایک ہی حصے پر کومب استعمال کریں۔ اسی طریقے سے اسے مکمل سر پر اچھی طرح استعمال کریں۔ اب اس عمل کو دو سے تین بار دوہرائیے تاکہ کوئ جگہ رہ نہ جاۓ۔
استعمال کے بعد وی-کومب کے استعمال شدہ فلٹر پر اس کی حفاظتی کیپ لگا کر اس فلٹر کو کچرے والی ٹوکری میں پھیںک دیں۔ یاد رہے کہ اور اس کے بعد کومبنگ ہیڈ کو برش کی مدد سے صاف کر لیجیے۔ نیز آپ اس کے کومبنگ ہیڈ کو کسی اچھے اور میعاری جراثیم کش دوائی سے صاف کر لیں۔
If your kid often scratches his/her head and complaining about itchy scalp, then you need to take extreme caution in this regard. This may be the very first sign of the infestation caused by head lice. Once you have confirmed the presence of lice, then the next step would be to remove it as soon as possible. There are a number of methods which you can adopt, but not a single method work in the long term. If you are also experiencing this gruesome situation, then there is nothing to lose heart because you can use a unique device for this purpose as Telebrands V-Comb.
[gallery columns="5" link="file" ids="2084,2083,2078,2072,2073"]The Telebrands VComb head lice comb is a revolutionary, innovative and natural way of getting rid of nits or lice. This device also helps to eliminate the eggs of lice with the ease of combing. This multipurpose head lice comb is chemical free and there are no pesticides involved in the formulation of this product. Moreover, this anti head lice comb is equally beneficial for men, women and children. The tooth of the comb is made from the renowned stainless steel that runs smoothly across the scalp. All the lice, nits and eggs are captured and then sent to the patented capture filter of the comb. Please do not forget to detach and clean the filter when finished.
The Telebrands V-comb anti head lice comb is an extremely easy way to get rid the problem of lice on you, your partner and your kids’ head. It is recommended to use the comb on the dry hair and it does not require any harmful chemical before or after the lice treatment. All the users need to attach the fresh capture filter onto the head of V-comb kit and then reattach the head to the kit to start the operation. When you do that, you can in a split second begin the treatment! Correspondingly, as you search over the hair, the dispensable filter safely traps lice and their eggs.
The Telebrands V-Comb is perhaps the latest, quickest and safest way to get rid of lice, nits and their eggs. The comb uses the special purpose suction power that efficiently sucks all the lice when running the comb across the head. Furthermore, the head of the comb is designed in a way that it will definitely work on all types of hair, regardless of its length. The overall cleaning and maintenance of the device is also very simple and easy. The package is accompanied by a cleaning brush and three disposable filters that are easy to clean and disposed of.
The Telebrands Vcomb is perhaps the only and ideal solution to get rid of lice and its eggs. This anti-lice machine can be availed exclusively from the official franchise of Telebrands Pakistan. You will get the 6 month warranty with this product. We will replace the old unit with the new one, if the old unit has some manufacturing defect. All the customers can dial the number 0333-4115583 for the same purpose.
How V-Comb works | How to clean V-Comb |
How to set up unit of Pakistan V-Comb?
The setting up of the unit is not so difficult, but requires adequate care. Please read the following lines for further information:
How to Operate the Telebrands Pakistan V-Comb?
The unit can be used with the help of the following steps:
Additional features of the Telebrands V-Comb Pakistan:
Technical Specifications of the Telebrands V-Comb Anti-Lice Treatment Pakistan:
What is included in the Package?
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0321.4115583 - 0333.4115583
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